Sunday, August 29, 2010

Film Festivals and The Meaning of Life

Hello, readers.

I've begun watching The Mighty Boosh. My life has found meaning.

In other news, there are many film festivals in Seoul. Some of which are happening now, and some of which will be happening soon. (And one or two of which are already over but their posters were nifty).

Here are posters with clickable captions.

Seoul Art Cinema is cool. Cinevacances

SteamCute poster for Chungmuro International Film Festival

Science fiction festival at a science museum.

Hrm. Abstract snail people?

Small town. Cool fest. Over now.


Happy filmicness, readers.



  1. why is the mighty boosh something that you begin and continue watching rather than finishing? oh, perhaps that's the meaning of life you found, it's on the journey, etc. so one... shouldn't finish movies? hee. :) miss you!

  2. The Boosh will end eventually. Will then be bereft. Might have to listen to their radio show. After that, will have to resort to despair.
